Sacroiliac Joint Injection

What is Sacroiliac Joint Injection?

Lower back pain is one of the most common injuries to plague Americans today. If you are experiencing lower back pain or shooting leg pain that is debilitating or interrupting your quality of life, then you may be dealing with low back pain caused by the sacroiliac (SI) joint. This type of pain is most common in middle-age and young adult women, but it can impact virtually any individual.


The sacroiliac joint is located right below the lumbar spine but above the tailbone. You have two sacroiliac joints on the right and left side of the spine that make a triangle with your pelvis. If you are experiencing pain in this area, particularly if it is accompanied by a tingling sensation that runs down the leg, then you may be a candidate for a sacroiliac joint injection.


This injection is an in-office procedure that injects a numbing medication directly into the joint.

Benefits of Sacroiliac Joint Injection

The biggest and most notable benefit of sacroiliac joint injections is that they alleviate pain. They can also help increase mobility and provide longer-term relief by reducing inflammation in the body.


This joint injection is performed using a quick and safe procedure. Risks are relatively minor and infrequent. This injection can help patients experience pain relief so that they may get back to their normal everyday activities without as many restrictions.


Getting a sacroiliac joint injection can also help doctors diagnose the actual condition causing pain in this area. During your follow up appointments, your recorded response to the procedure will help doctors get to the root of the problem.

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Are you a Candidate?

Sacroiliac Joint Injections have been a trusted pain treatment for many years. Here at Principal Spine and Pain Consultants, we use these injections to help our patients get the relief that they have been looking for. Most commonly, we use sacroiliac joint injection to cause sacroiliac joint dysfunction, hypermobility or hypomobility in this joint.


Other conditions that typically benefit from Sacroiliac Joint Injections include:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Degenerative Bone Disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sacroiliitis
  • And More


If you have more questions about this injection or want to see if this procedure is right for you, contact our team of pain management doctors today.

Schedule an Appointment

Contact Principle Spin and Pain Consultants to learn more about Sacroiliac Joint Injections as a solution for your pain. To schedule an appointment, please call our Carrollton clinic at (972) 316-7270 or our Denton clinic at (940) 222-8943.