Hip Pain

Why Does My Hip Hurt?

Though few know it, the hip is a joint. The hip is one of the human body’s largest joints. The hip is a ball-and-socket joint that connects the femur, also referred to as the thigh bone, to the pelvis. The hip joint functions with the assistance of cartilage, robust ligaments, and bones. Each of these components provides essential support for the hip joint. If the hip’s structures are injured, the resulting pain will be quite clear.


You need fully functional hips to enjoy a high quality of life. If your hips hurt, you will find it difficult to sit for extended periods of time, walk and participate in sports. Sever hip pain causes discomfort even when not moving. Principal Spine is here to diagnose your specific hip pain and provide the treatment modality most likely to alleviate your unique pain. The goal of this timely diagnosis and personalized treatment is to help you live an active and fulfilling life across posterity.

Causes of Hip Pain

The cause of your hip pain is likely different from that of your friend, family member of colleague who is also suffering from hip pain. However, the most common cause of hip pain is arthritis. All in all, there are 100+ types of arthritis. Hip pain is most caused by rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.


Aside from arthritis, hip pain is also caused by injuries suffered during physical activity, work, accidents, and the aging process. It is also possible for osteoporosis and other medical conditions to heighten the risk of a fractured hip after a fall. Additional causes of hip pain include but are not limited to sciatica, infection, sickle cell disease and fibromyalgia.

hip pain
hip pain, limited mobility, arthritis

Symptoms of Hip Pain

If there is pain in your hip, you will be aware of it as this part of the body is used for most daily activities. Whether you are sitting upright, walking, running, turning, or reaching for something, you will use your hips. However, even lying on a compromised hip will cause pain.


If your hip worsens when standing or sitting for extended periods, you owe it to yourself to schedule an appointment with our hip pain specialists. Some patients also report that they experience hip pain after even slight physical contact with the skin in this sensitive area of the body.

Additional symptoms of hip pain include limited mobility, swelling in the joint, redness and stiffness.

Treating Hip Pain

If you have hip pain, do not suffer in silence. Principal Spine is here to help. We will perform a comprehensive physical exam to properly diagnose your unique hip pain.

Our analysis also includes an in-depth review of your medical history. If necessary, an MRI and/or X-ray will be taken.


The next step is to identify the treatment modality best for your hip pain. The treatment plan we develop for you will be uniquely yours as no two patients have the same hip ailment, symptoms and needs. Most patients greatly benefit from pain relief medications. The use of medication might preclude surgical intervention. Medication will help extend your hip’s range of motion and set the stage for you to live an active life with minimal or no pain.


Physical Therapy


Physical therapy tailored to alleviate pain from tendinitis and/or bursitis has also helped countless patients bounce back from significant hip pain. Physical therapy is centered on strategic stretching, exercises and strengthening that zeroes in on the hip joint.


Therapeutic Joint Injections


You might also benefit from therapeutic joint injections spaced out at specific intervals. A corticosteroid injection will relieve your pain, empowering you to return to your normal life without debilitating hip pain.

Contact Us for Hip Pain

Our pain management doctors are accepting new patients experiencing Hip Pain. To schedule an appointment, please call our Denton clinic at (940) 222-8943 or our Carrollton clinic at (972) 316-7270.